25 Things I Learned Before 25


In one short week, I will turn 25. It’s weird to think I will have survived a quarter of a century. While I believe that I will never live another 25 years and experience as many life changes, it’s also pretty damn amazing how much does actually change. Reflecting on the change, I realized I learned more than I could have imagined, about life, relationships, passions, interests, careers, the list goes on. 

1. Change is okay. We fear change all the time, but in my 25 years, everything great has come as a result of change.

2. Learn your boundaries and communicate them. We all have things that irritate us, distract us, do not resonate with us. If you never learn to communicate this you will always be unsatisfied. Don’t be afraid to speak up and let people know who you are as a person. You will quickly see your relationships flourish.

3. Eat your fruits and vegetables. Even if your brother tells you they are gross.

4. Practice the things you like to do a lot. Remind yourself what is important to you, why you like it, and make it a priority. Nothing will ever bring you greater joy.

5. Build meaningful relationships with those that are important to you. Stay in contact with family and friends and remind them that you value them. It’s okay if it’s only 3 or 4 people. You can know that those people will aways be there for you no matter what.

6. Always carry small cash. I still don’t do this, but I need to!

7. Be nice always and consider other people.

8. Practice self care. If there is one thing we can do for ourselves and our body it is to take care of it (especially when it is in it’s prime!).

9. Wear your retainer (and sunscreen for that matter).

10. Be patient. With yourself and others.

11. Plan your meals for the week. It makes grocery shopping a bit more bearable.

12. Do not compare yourself to others. Just don’t. In a world of social media this can come as a challenge, but just remember everyone’s walk of life is just different.

13. Treat yourself to dessert. Because why not.

14. Don’t be jealous. Thing happen to people for many different reasons, but that does not give us a reason to feel resentful. You are only making yourself an unhappy person.

15. Seek adventure.

16. Never go to bed with make up on. Just don’t.

17. Start saving for retirement, like right now.

18. Hold yourself accountable for your actions.

19. If you don’t like something, than change it. Refer to number 18.

20. Learn how to fold a fitted sheet. It saves so much headache and space.

21. Cook meals at home. You’ll save a ton of money and your body will thank you.

22. Drink water. All the water.

23. Call your mom, dad, grandparents, brother, or sister. Even if you don’t have a great relationship, it’s okay to start somewhere.

24. Boredom is a lack of creativity.

25. Celebratory dance (even if your boyfriend things you are weird.)

And of course, one for good luck!

26. Look at the world in terms of giving instead of receiving. You will be amazed at the beautiful planet we inhabit and the true potential of humanity.

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