The Best Creative Books I Read in 2018 (and why you should add them to your 2019 reading list)

The Best Creative Books I Read in 2018 (and why you should add them to your 2019 reading list) - Lauren Sauder

I read a lot of books in 2018 about personal development. A few of them really stood out to me as they related 100% to my creative practice. They left me feeling inspired, refreshed, and motivated. As I moved into 2019, they sparked a lot of honest creative conversations which in turn has helped me gain clarity and write killer goals for 2019.

The Best Creative Books I Read in 2018 (and why you should add them to your 2019 reading list) - Lauren Sauder

The Best Creative Books I Read That Inspired My Creative Lifestyle

1. My Creative Side Business by Monica Kanokova

What immediately grabbed my attention in this book was the intimate and honest interviews with successful female creatives. Each story is unique and shared just how hard you do have to work to build a successful creative business. 
I would put this one at the top of my list for 2019 because of just how honest it is. Personally, it inspired me to take on a 100-day challenge, find the power of discipline and set some honest goals for myself.

2. The One Thing by Gary Kelley

The One Thing was another book that challenged me to realize how important discipline is in my studio practice. With the main focus on finding your one thing and delivering extraordinary results, this book will fuel you with the motivation to find your simple, yet life-changing actions that are immediately actionable.

Although a little more of a dense read, I couldn’t believe just how impactful doing one thing every day could be, and I am currently seeing the results of that!.

3. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Living with creativity can feel uncomfortable, but this book will encourage you to have the most honest conversations with youself. As mentioned, I read a lot of personal development books, but I loved the change of pace in this book. Not structured to be academic or instructional in any way, but instead, a light, thought-provoking book that gets you thinking about your creativity and how you choose to live with it daily.

Personally, this book helped me understand the why behind my creative practice and how I want to grow with it daily. I recommend it to anyone who is struggling with where to start or how to organize their thoughts.

Have you read any good books lately that have inspired your creative lifestyle?

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