5 Ways to Support Small Businesses Without Buying Products

5 Ways to Support Small Businesses Without Buying Products - Lauren Sauder support small, shop local, small business, small business Saturday, holiday gift, holiday ideas

With the holidays around the corner, it’s easier to get in the mindset of shopping small and supporting local businesses. How can we create this motivation all year long? Below is a list of my favorite ways to support small all year long.

5 Ways to Support Small Businesses Without Buying Products - Lauren Sauder support small, shop local, small business, small business Saturday, holiday gift, holiday ideas

5 Ways to Support Small Businesses Without Buying Products

1. Repin their content on Pinterest.

Pinning other people’s content on Pinterest helps that image reach a wider audience and grow the number of clicks to a website. In turn, this can build a circle of people excited to connect with a new small business.

2. Share their social profiles with your friends. 

If you see something that excites you and you know it’s something your friend will love, send the image as a direct message to them. This is a great way to help your favorite small business build a following and send some love by word of mouth.

3. Subscribe to their mailing list.

It’s common that a small business mailing list will never be spammy or overload your inbox. Don’t be afraid to sign up to be informed of opportunities throughout the year so you can purchase gifts when needed and add your favorite items to your wish list.

If you are already on a mailing list for a business you love, forward an email to a friend to help your favorite small business grow its subscriber base.

4. Give encouragement!

It might feel simple yet replying to a small business’ story, reel, or post on Instagram can go a long way. This gesture builds genuine connections and friendship. There is always a real person on the other side excited to learn that what they are doing resonates with other people.

5. Spread the word and share your experience with your family and friends.

Talk about your favorite small businesses with family or friends, whether it’s a recent project they’ve completed or a product you love—word of mouth will always be the best form of marketing.


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