5 Impactful Tools to Stay Motivated Creatively

5 Impactful Tools to Stay Motivated

Creativity comes in ebbs and flows. Some seasons are filled with growth and transitions, and other seasons might feel dry and uninspirational. How do you keep it around and endlessly create without fear—fear of running out of ideas, fear of judgment, and fear of expectations? After many seasons living in my creative practice, I have worked to build myself a toolbox to help me find creative inspiration and call upon it when I need.


5 Impactful Tools to Stay Motivated Creatively

1.Build the habit.

Building a creative habit is one of the most beautiful disciplines that can truly bring greatness into your life. Work to make creativity a daily habit in your life—whether that be painting for 5 minutes a day, keeping a pencil close to sketch your morning find, or using quiet moments to write. Each of these simple tasks requires you to flex your creative muscle and begin building a discipline that will move your milestones closer to your work for an endless flow of ideas.

2. Ignore social media.

If you plan to engage in a creative session, do not scroll through social media beforehand. Added imagery to your mind can cause you to lose clarity and begin creating from a place of comparison rather than staying true to your own intentions and inspiration. Enter your creative sessions on your own terms, with your own enthusiasm, for a natural connection to your work.

3. Words of affirmation.

In moments of doubt or unease, remember why you started. Jotting down a few of your favorite, uplifting affirmations that speak to you and having them visible on a daily basis is a great way to have constant positivity in your creative sessions. A mindset shift can drastically improve your creative clarity and be the missing link to growing your business.

4. Celebrate wins.

Make it a habit to celebrate your wins both big and small. This is such a simple way to stay motivated in your career and life. Success takes time and commitment, and each little step should be celebrated. Take a moment at the end of each week to jot down your win and reflect on moments you felt proud.

5. Read creative books.

Reading is an amazing tool that can help you bring your practice outside your studio. They help move your thoughts in different directions and can spark conversations with others. If you are curious what books I am reading in to encourage my creative practice you can find me on Goodreads or join the literary circle inside the Pigment Cooperative.

Building your motivational toolbox will be a unique process for you. Everyone experiences creativity differently, but that is what makes it so unique. What are your favorite ways to find motivation creatively?

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