Earth Story—My Skin Follows The Warmth

My Skin Follows the Warmth, Original Artwork, Lauren Sauder

Over the years, I’ve collected stacks of notes and landscape marks. Together, they slowly formed an abstract representation of the landscape—that is, the landscape abstracted into simple shapes, lines, and words. I carefully kept this beauty while archiving the raw terrain. Slowly, it grew into a collection of work called Earth Stories where each painting shares the complex narratives of the landscape.

Painted on sacred paper with natural earth colors, each piece is accompanied by its own mediation on the natural world, an offering of the earth. It’s fascinating to watch this body of work grow—letting it guide me through each new season. When a small grouping is ready, I slowly make them available in my gallery shop.

My Skin Follows the Warmth

My skin follows the warmth

and the Earth speaks softly,

let the golden sun take you away.

Free Pigment Palette Mobile Wallpaper


Earth Story—I Feel the Earth


Creative Musings—Melissa Jenkins