Stepping into the Artist You Want to be

Stepping into the Artist You Want to Be in 2020 - Lauren Sauder

Outside of busy happenings in your day to day life, you get to divulge in an artistic practice daily. In this practice, you permit yourself to be who you know you really are. You free your mind and let your imagination come to the forefront. This is your opportunity to step into life for yourself where you are your most amazing self and you suppress fear and inadequacy.

Stepping into the Artist You Want to Be

Stepping Into the Artist You Want to be

Start by thinking about your perfect day. What do your surroundings look like? What are you working on? Who are you interacting with? Where do you spend most of your time? What are you working on? Who is your support system? What do you desire? What makes you feel proud? What do you accomplish before bed?

Give yourself permission to be who you know you really are.

Find your truest joys and describe the best possible version of yourself. Also, take into consideration those things you want to transform. How do you want to step into this new life? Know that you have the power to change the parts of your life that are holding you back.

Define the artist you want to be

Who do you want to be and how do you want to be as you step into your life as a successful artist? Dive deep into your desires as an artist. Where do you see yourself a year from now or five years from now? What does your practice look like? Define what type of income art gives you. What do people receive when they invest in you?

My favorite questions that have helped me define the artist I want to be—

  1. What are your surroundings when you wake up?

  2. What do you do for work and how many hours do you spend on it?

  3. Who do you help with your work?

  4. What exciting plans are you currently working towards?

  5. What do you feel as you end your day? What kind of emotions do you have? What is the state of your mind?

  6. What amazing goals have you achieved during your perfect day? Finance goals?

  7. In a year from now, my business will be...

  8. Making money is… Investing money is...

  9. People are willing to pay me for my work because...

Now, go and write. Write out the artist you want to be. Use affirmations as a guide and write your persona as firm and positive statements. Keep it close and read it before bed each night. Let yourself step into the artist you want to be. 

Lauren Sauder Earth Pigments


Coming Back to the Creative Process Using Visualization


A Decade of Art