Creativity Lauren Sauder Creativity Lauren Sauder

What is a Creative Practice: Building an Unstoppable Way of Making Art

From a young age, I learned very quickly that there were so many ways to look at creativity. And so many of those ways came down to individualism. That is the way you perceive the world and the way you process the world. Yet, the subject of creativity is so vast. And it can be just as expansive to identify a way of working - a creative practice - that doesn’t hinder your originality but instead elevates it.

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Creativity Lauren Sauder Creativity Lauren Sauder

Creative Mantras That Are Living With Me Through My Artist Winter Season

I never really understood how creative mantras could be incorporated into my daily art practice until I learned how lonely practicing art can feel some days. Yes, I am a part of a creative community that I converse with daily and I have a creative mentor that helps me align with myself quarterly. Yet, for the most part, I work alone in my studio which results in plenty of personal conversations on a daily basis.

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